Nms Royal

Design, animation

The National Museum of Scotland were opening a new wing with several key exhibits requiring touch screen Information Stations. As well as exhibit information, the stations highlight topical issues such as the renewable energy debate, vox pop views are put forward in short videos and users vote on which outcome they think most likely. In a busy gallery a key objective is to entice people in and encourage them to interact, hence the design is very eye catching with lots of dynamic transitions. Cutaway animations were also produced for 2 exhibits to show how they worked in real life, these were a hit with the curators.

NMS Royal touchscreen information station
NMS Royal touchscreen information station
NMS Royal touchscreen information station
NMS Royal touchscreen information station
NMS Royal touchscreen information station

Boulton & Watt Engine

Click on the image below to see a cutaway flash animation of the Boulton & Watt steam engine in operation.

NMS Royal touchscreen Boulton and Watt

Wylam Dilly

Click on the image below to see a cutaway flash animation of how Wylam Dilly's engine works.

NMS Royal touchscreen Wylam Dilly