Memory Mayhem
Role: Design, illustration
Multiplayer Memory Mayhem was an entry to nonoba’s ‘Multiplayer API Kick Off Competition’, designed to showcase the potential of their new gaming platform. The work was a collaboration with Kelvin Luck, who produced the game engine while we primarily looked after the interface design and illustrations.
The game is basically a multiplayer version of pairs, you compete against other players to match up as many animals as you can, some of which have special powers, increasing the excitement and fun.
The game eventually scooped the third place prize, the judges particularly liking the ‘Excellent graphics and animations’. Entries were of a really high standard so it was great to pick up some recognition for all the hard work that we put in. Multiplayer Memory Mayhem had been played over 280 000 times, and was one of the most popular games on the site - which unfortunately no longer exists.